Wallet by charlesdeluvio


ENS — A Conversation With The Founder Of NameSpace

When Names Become Assets

7 min readSep 13, 2023


In the rapidly evolving digital frontier, the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) stands out as a beacon of innovation, reshaping the foundation of online identity and domain management. To unpack its implications we converse with the founder of Namespace to catalogue its progression, and the transformative potential of ENS. This dialogue provides an examination of ENS’ metamorphosis from digital assets to indispensable tools in the Web3 ecosystem, as well as insights into the broader implications for the future of decentralized domains.

What was the initial inspiration behind creating Namespace?

We saw ENS names as assets that were waiting to be priced in. As such, they were simply sitting in users’ wallets without any way to make an income for their owners, regardless of how good they might be. Their trading was based on the speculative future value of .eth becoming a global standard for all decentralized websites that would eventually natively resolve in all browsers. Therefore, with the introduction of NameWrapper, which would allow all subnames to be independent NFTs from their parent name, we saw an opportunity for these amazing ENS names to issue (mint, sell, rent) subnames and profit from

